object detection

Training high accuracy Object Detectors

Training an object detector using Pytorch and DeepDetect Pytorch is the most widely used framework in ML research and industry today. Pytorch also offers one of the most versatile and useful pure C++ API among the Deep Learning frameworks. For these reasons our focus has been to develop the DeepDetect C++ torch backend so that it is as complete as possible wrt most of the automation task DeepDetect supports: computer vision, NLP, time-series and CSV data mostly.

Quickly build an object detector with the DeepDetect Platform

This post describes how we quickly train object detectors at Jolibrain. As a tutorial we train a car detector from road video frames using the DeepDetect Platform that is a Web UI on top of the DeepDetect Server. All our products are Open Source. At Jolibrain we are specialized in hard deep learning topics, i.e. for which no on-the-shelf product does yet exist. Everything else we automate and put into DeepDetect Server and Platform.